THIS makes sleep problems worse
What To Do When You Can’t Fall Asleep
“I have to fall back asleep, or tomorrow is ruined!”
Many of us know this feeling all too well.
While feeling “doomed” at the moment is normal, your negative thoughts about the situation only worsen things.
They can turn one stormy night into a pattern of bad nights.
Here’s why…
When you worry, your body becomes alert.
This state of physiological arousal interferes with sleep, and—if it continues over time—you may even begin to define yourself as “a bad sleeper.”
Often, the best approach isn’t medication, supplements, or even some otherwise excellent sleep hygiene.
Instead, it addresses the underlying thoughts and emotions.
So what can you do?
Try this reframing exercise.
Write down the thoughts or beliefs that come up when you don’t sleep well.
For example:
I’ll never sleep well again.
I can’t work out / think clearly / be in a good mood because I’m so tired.
My inadequate sleep will cause me to get terrible illnesses, like cancer or heart disease.
Notice how anxious thoughts tend to…
✘ Predict the future (even though you’re not psychic)
✘ See things as “all-or-nothing” (“If I don’t sleep well, I can’t do ANYTHING”)
✘ Use absolutes (like “always” or “never”)
Now, reframe those beliefs using a nuanced perspective.
I might lose sleep occasionally, but other nights will probably be okay.
I’m not feeling my best, but I can find a few moments of joy in my day.
Sleep is just one aspect of good health. If I don’t sleep well, I can still ensure I eat nutritious foods, drink enough water, and maybe get outside for a few deep breaths.
Compassion, in particular, can activate your calming nervous system.
Think of all those people, just like you, staring at the ceiling. Send them some imaginary kindness for their suffering, and mentally reassure them that they’ll be okay too.
Knowing a bit about sleep physiology can also be comforting.
For instance…
► You probably get light sleep without realizing it.
Ever feel like you’ve been awake every minute of the night, but when you think about it, you know time couldn’t have passed that fast? You very likely did get some sleep.
► Your brain will eventually make you sleep.
It’s a physiological necessity. Although some nights you may sleep less, your body will generally fall into a pattern of sleeping at least 5-6 hours a night.
The upshot: With a bit of trust in your body, and some intentional reframing of your thoughts, you can train yourself to believe you can handle less-than-ideal sleep.
So instead of feeling like crappy sleep is an all-out disaster, it seems about as devastating as finding a small hole in underwear.
It’s not ideal, but you’ll be just fine.
Until next time,
Dt. Mohit Mittal